CrowdMed Review

My Experience Using CrowdMed

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Rating: ★★☆☆☆ (2 out 5 stars)

For 8 years I have been suffering from an undiagnosed health issue. After seeking help from over a dozen doctors and medical experts and not finding any diagnosis or relief I then decided to try Here is my experience and review so far.


  1. The mission statement seems very nice. Wanting to help patients find relief from medical problems that the standard medical field is not solving.
  2. The individuals that help the patient on CrowdMed are called detectives. They are made up of doctors, nurses and other medical professionals. However, there are other detectives that are not medical professionals. In fact, anyone can sign up to help solve cases. This can both be a pro and a con.


  1. The main con is the price. To take advantage of this service you need to pay a monthly fee. At the time of this writing it is $150.00 USD a month. It seems nice that the creators of CrowdMed want to help people. But these patients are already destitute and low on funds after attempting to get help from the standard medical system. So $150.00/month is an outrageous price for these patients that can barely work and have very little money coming in.
  2. When you sign up they state that it usually takes about 2 months to get a sufficient number of responses to probably find a diagnostic solution. However, this does not seem to be the case. I have been signed up for more than 4 months and still don't have a solution. If you search cases that are unsolved there are many patient's cases that have been going for more than a year.
  3. You set a reward that is given to the detectives with the best suggestions after you close your case. It seems that most medical professionals don't pay much attention to the cases with a low reward. As with the normal medical system it seems to work better for those that are rich.
  4. Most of the detectives seem to not listen to the patient just like talking to medical doctors in person. When you explain to them why you do not believe, based on your symptoms, that their suggested condition is what you have, they seem to ignore the information you present. Some of them only respond once or twice and then never follow up when you present more information.
  5. The layout of is very confusing. It is often difficult to navigate to your latest messages and discussion comments.

Full Review

My symptoms are as follows: I was having chronic bumps on my eyelids and chronic stinging of the eyes and styes and chalazions for many months. I continue to have styes routinely every month. I never had styes before 2011. Many ophthalmologists and eye doctors have not been able to diagnose my condition. They just say that it is blepharitis, which basically means swelling of the eyelid.

A few months after that I started having chronic diarrhea, stomach aches and weight loss. I continue to slowly lose weight. But I do not have a loss of appetite. Through elimination I discovered that I can no longer eat pork, beef, peanuts, artichoke and few other things without getting very sick to my stomach. But I do not have a problem with dairy or wheat. I also have to be careful with too much fiber. I never had these problems before 2011. Stool tests, blood tests, a colonoscopy, a CT scan, and and upper endoscopy have all shown negative results as to a diagnosis.

A few months later I started having chronic nasal congestion and runny nose. I now have a runny nose and nasal congestion every day of my life. After trying many different antihistamines and nasal decongestion medicines my symptoms are still strong. None of the medicines bring any relief.

A few months before my symptoms started at the end of 2010, I was bitten by a tick. But I removed it in about an hour and I did not have a red bull's eye rash. But a couple of weeks later I did have what seemed like a bad flu and fever for more than two weeks.

Timeline of symptoms

11/12/2010 - Tick bite on my stomach. I removed the tick within an hour of being bitten.

11/26/2010 to 12/10/2010 - Sick with flu/fever

12/20/2010 to 12/31/2010 - Sick with flu/fever

01/05/2011 - New water pressure tank at house

01/08/2011 - Noticed bumps on my upper eyelids. Vision also getting blurry.

01/13/2011 - Doctor prescribed Optivar for eye allergies. It did not help.

01/27/2011 - I Licked Banana slug to see if it made my mouth numb.

02/02/2011 - Ophthalmologist prescribed Tobramycin-Dexameth and recommended Ocusoft Lid Scrub. I have been using Ocusoft Lid Scrubs for 8 years now. I think it helps but my eyes still have blepharitis and develop styes regularly.

02/09/2011 - Ophthalmologist prescribed Erythromycin Ophth Ointment.

03/22/2011 - Ate ground beef that was stored in the refrigerator and had been cooked about 5 days before. Diarrhea started.

03/23/2011 - Purchased and ate half a box of Crunch 'n Munch from the grocery store.

03/23/2011 - Ate broiled pork chops from the oven. Diarrhea within an hour.

03/24/2011 - Ate medium flavored boneless chicken strips from Wing Stop in Freedom, CA. Within 30 minutes I had stomach cramps and had to run to the bathroom with diarrhea.

04/17/2011 - I noticed that my temples were waning. I weighed myself and I was 160 lbs. 20 pounds lighter than I was at the beginning of the year. I had diarrhea just about every day for the past month.

04/18/2011 - I went to Palo Alto Medical Urgent Care for help.

04/19/2011 - Blood test: Normal.

04/21/2011 - Stool test: Normal. No ova or parasites seen in examination of the concentrate.

06/06/2011 - Chronic styes and chalazions on both eyes, upper and lower eyelids. I had never had styes or chalazions before 2011.

11/29/2011 - Eye Exam - Doxycycline Hyclate 50MG. Did not help.

12/20/2011 - Eye Exam - Inject/treat eye w/ medication (kenalog). Some relief from eyelid swelling.

11/01/2012 - Quest Diagnostics eye culture result: gram negative bacilli

11/28/2012 - Disease specialist at Palo Alto Medical. Prescribed Doxycycline 100mg twice a day again. Did not help. Caused severe stomach upset.

11/28/2012 - Blood test: normal.

11/28/2012 - HIV test: Negative.

11/28/2012 - Immunoglobulin test: normal.

12/20/2012 - Opthalmologist prescribed: Pred Forte (steroid) eye drops. Found some relief from eyelid swelling.

02/11/2013 - Food Allergy Test. Egg white, egg yolk, cows milk, soybean: Negative for all.

02/11/2013 - Celiac Test: Normal.

02/13/2013 - Fecal Fat Test: Normal.

03/12/2013 - Eyelid surgery on both upper eyelids at Stanford Eye Center. Removed scarring from chalazions and put kenalog injections in the eyelids.

04/01/2013 - Colonoscopy: Normal, no evidence of Chrohn's, colitis, h. pylori, polyp or tumor.

04/15/2013 - LYMES ANTIBODY Test: Negative.

04/16/2013 - Stool test: Normal. No ova or parasites seen in examination of the concentrate.

04/16/2013 - Giardia test: Negative.

05/20/2013 - Upper Endoscopy: A diminutive hiatal hernia was seen on retroflexion. Gastritis. There is no evidence of H. Pylori bacterial infection. Take omeprazole or prilosec OTC 20mg daily for 6-8 weeks. - Did not help.

07/09/2018 - Singulair - MONTELUKAST SOD 10 MG TABLET. Did not help.

07/25/2018 - Flonase (Fluticasone Propionate Nasal Spray). Did not help.

10/10/2018 - Breath Test: Normal. No sign of h. pylori or milk intolerance.

10/18/2018 - Allergy prick test: Cottonwood and Olive trees are positive at a 9. Dust mites are positive at 13. All grasses and weeds and most other trees are at 7.

10/31/2018 - Food allergy prick test: All negative (Milk, egg, peanut, soybean, corn, white potato, rye, rice, orange, tomato, yeast, whole wheat, shellfish)

12/3/2018 - 12/19/2019 - Allergy shots every week for a year to try and help with chronic allergies that I have had for a few years. (constant runny nose, red and irritated eyes, ear ache). The allergy shots did not help lessen the allergy symptoms at all in one year. The allergist had no further suggestions. There was a bad side effect that is not documented in the list of side effects for allergy shots. But I did find discussions online of other patients having this side effect. After 8 months of weekly allergy shots I could barely use my left arm (the arm that I received shots in). I could barely lift my arm over my head or reach for items without intense pain. I stopped doing allergy shots and switched to Sublingual immunotherapy allergy drops under the tongue for a few months. After a few months of no shots the pain in my left arm went down by 50%. But even 2 years later there is still intense pain in my arm if I reach for some things or try to do work with it.

12/19/2019 - 3/20/2020 - Sublingual immunotherapy allergy drops under tongue every day for 3 months. There was still no releif from my allergies.

12/9/2019 - ANA (Antinuclear Antibody) Test: Positive. (Suggestive of an autoimmune disorder)

1/15/2019 - Blood Test: Normal.

7/1/2019 - Comprehensive Parasite Evaluation (ParaWellness Research). Findings:
Urine: No ova, parasites or yeast identified.
Stool: Endolimax nana (protozoa)- rare amount
Giardia intestinalis (protozoa)- few
Iodamoeba butschii (protozoa)- rare amount
Yeast organisms (fungi)- rare amount

7/5/2019 - iGeneX tick borne disease blood test. Cost over $1500 USD out of pocket. Western medicine will not accept the results of this test.
Lyme disease Immunoblot IgG: Result: 80 (positive is > or = 80) IGX Criteria: Positive. CDC/NYS Criteria: Negative.
Bartonella Western Blot IgG: Indeterminate. Detected only one Bartonella species specific antibody.
R. Rickettsi IFA - IgG Result: 40. ( < 40 is negative. < 160 may suggest active infection. >= 160 active infection)

9/18/2019 - Lyme IgG/IgM Ab (LabCorp): YOUR VALUE <0.91 ISR (Negative <0.91, Equivocal 0.91 - 1.09, Positive >1.09)


1/21/2020 - Small Bowel Capsule Endoscopy (Pill cam): Normal

1/21/2020 - Vasoactive Int Polypeptide: Normal

1/21/2020 - Parvovirus B19 Ab IgG: Positive (Results suggest past infection.)

1/21/2020 - Parvovirus B19 Ab IgM: Negative

1/21/2020 - EPSTEIN-BARR VIRUS AB PANEL: Past infection with Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)

1/21/2020 - Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) IgG: Past infection

2/5/2020 - 5-OH-Indoleacetic AC, Urine: Normal

2/26/2019 - HIV Test: Negative.

2/26/2019 - Hepatitis Panel A/B/C: Negative.

2/12/2020 - C.diff Toxin B Gene PCR: Negative

2/12/2020 - Gastroenteritis PCR Panel (from stool): Negative (Campylobacter species, Plesiomonas shigelloides, Salmonella enterica, Shigella species, Vibrio species, Vibrio cholerae, Yersinia enterocolitica, Shiga-like toxin-producing E. coli, Cryptosporidium, Cyclospora cayetanensis, Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia lamblia, Adenovirus F 40/41, Astrovirus, Norovirus GI/GII, Rotavirus A, Sapovirus)

2/17/2020 - Cocci ID with Reflex to CF: Negative. (endemic fungi)

2/17/2020 - Brucella Antibodies: Negative

2/17/2020 - Strongyloides IgG Ab: Negative (A parasitic Nematode)

After submitting my case to CrowdMed I have had 20 Medical Detectives respond. Some of them have continued to follow up but some of them have gone silent after I respond to them.

I have had 10 suggested diagnosis's: Meat allergy, Sjogren's, Cystic fibrosis, Lyme disease, SIBO, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, Oxalates, Taenia solium (parasites), Scleroderma, Reactive arthritis.

Out of these 10 suggestions only 2 of them have had more than one medical detective suggesting it. Three medical detectives suggested that it might be Lyme disease and three medical detectives suggested that it might be Cystic fibrosis.

I always thought that it might be Lyme disease because I have read that many times the tests come up negative and more thorough testing has to be done. I am also an avid hiker. But it is difficult to find a physician to pursue Lyme disease testing. My PCP (Primary Care Physician) did not want to pursue it. So I had to see an expensive specialist on my own without a referral. My Medi-Cal insurance does not cover it unless I am referred by my PCP to a very small list of doctors and practices. The detectives at CrowdMed have had no feasible suggestions on how to get properly tested without the huge expense.

So I am waiting for the results of tick-borne disease testing from IGeneX, Inc. for over $1500.00 USD. I was eventually going to get an expensive Lyme test done anyway even if I did not sign up for CrowdMed. But I was hoping I would find a way to do it without the huge expense.

Update 7/5/2019: I have had a Lyme test and other tick borne tests done from IGeneX which cost $1500. The results were indeterminate for Bartonella and supposedly positive for Lyme according to IGeneX standards. But they are not approved by CDC or IDSA. According to IGeneX testing positive is > or=80 and I had a result of 80. But western medicine doctors will not accept the result because the approved test says that I am negative for Lyme disease.

Last updated on July 4, 2022
Created on July 25, 2019

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User Comments

There are 29 comments.

Displaying first 50 comments.

1. Posted By: Bit - - December 7, 2019, 5:41 pm
Really hoping to see the final result on the accuracy of their suggestions.

2. Posted By: Jeff - - December 8, 2019, 5:21 pm
Hi Bit,

Thank you. Me too! I haven't posted an update because I have not had a diagnosis yet. My symptoms are still bad and getting worse. I have been going to Stanford and have had tests run in the gastroenterology department. In another clinic I have done tests ordered by a rheumatologist. But all the results are negative. The Lyme test that is approved by CDC and IDSA still says that I am negative for Lyme. I have also gone the unconventional route and have been seeing a naturopathic doctor. But the test results are inconclusive. I have had a Lyme test and other tick borne tests done from IGeneX which cost $1500. The results were indeterminate for Bartonella and supposedly positive for Lyme according to IGeneX standards. But they are not approved by CDC or IDSA. According to IGeneX testing positive is > or=80 and I had a result of 80. But western medicine doctors will not accept the result because the approved test says that I am negative for Lyme disease.


3. Posted By: NW - - October 26, 2020, 8:00 am
may as well treat for Lyme disease which is a few days antibiotic.if your history is so severe, ask primary care nicely they might give it

4. Posted By: Jeff - - October 26, 2020, 1:26 pm
Hi NW,

Thank you for the comment. I did go through some antibiotics for my blepharitis in the beginning of my problem 9 years ago. Antibiotics that are also used for Lyme disease like doxycycline. It just made my stomach upset and did not help with my blepharitis or my other symptoms such as weight loss, food sensitivities and lack of energy. 

I can't get any doctors to prescribe anything for Lyme without getting a positive test from CDC approved Lyme disease tests. I am always negative with the approved tests. I was Lyme positive with the iGeneX test but that is not approved. So I can only get homeopathic remedies from naturopathic doctors which I tried for over a year but it did not help with any symptoms.


5. Posted By: Michelle - - June 28, 2021, 1:39 pm
Hi. Not sure if you are still having issues but I can give some good advice as someone who is battling chronic illness as well.

For the digestive issues I would try probiotics. There is a pharmaceutical grade probiotic called VSL3, if you google it you will find their website, with the product name as the URL. I only can vouch for the pouches you dissolve in water and drink. I was having similar issues with diarrhea and it was caused by all the anitibiotics my doctors kept throwing at me to get me better. I went through all the tests you did and then some, they even thought I had pancreatic cancer for a hot minute, the VSL3 cured me. Its not cheap, but its cheaper than what you've been paying for crowdmed, etc.

Quest Diagnostics labs has a lyme disease blood test that is around $80 self pay. My file is huge and one of my specialists was asking if I had been tested for Lyme and I didn't remember and my primary was being too lazy to look so I just spent the $80 and tested myself.

6. Posted By: Jeff - - June 30, 2021, 6:57 pm
Hi Michelle,

Thank you for your comment. I think some might find the information you provided useful, especially about being able to ask Quest Diagnostics to test for Lyme disease yourself for $80. 

As for myself, I did get tested for Lyme and it was negative according to the standard CDC criteria. A couple of years ago I also did a very expensive iGeneX test ($1500) that is supposed to be more thorough than the standard test. It said I was borderline positive with Lyme and possibly positive with Bartonella. It would have been negative under CDC criteria for both, so I wouldn't be able to get treated with a Medical Doctor with those tests. So again, not very conclusive. I was seeing a Naturopathic doctor at the time and I tried all the different herbal and food remedies for Lyme disease but nothing improved my health.


7. Posted By: Jeff - - June 30, 2021, 7:00 pm
Also, thank you for the suggestion of VSL3. When I was seeing a different Naturopathic doctor almost 10 years ago, near the beginning of my illness, she recommended VSL3. I took it for a long time but never felt any better. I also tried other probiotics afterward without seeing any improvements. The only thing that stops me from being completely sick every day is having a very selective diet. But it is a diet unlike anyone else. My body can't handle a number of foods. But it would appear to be random, not knowing what the common factor is. And even the foods that my body can handle will make me feel sick to my stomach. 

Sorry for the long reply. I'm still searching for answers but don't really have the funds to keep searching.


8. Posted By: Mahalia - - October 20, 2021, 4:14 pm
Jeff - have you looked into a functional medicine provider? Go to to find a list of providers. I found one there who helped me identify food intolerances via bloodtesting that checks hundreds of foods, chemicals etc for immune system mediator cells (mediator release test). Also check into leaky gut if you haven't already. That could explain the randomness of food issues, it certainly did for me. Also helped me understand that for me it often takes 2 to 3 days for my body to react to a food, and sometimes I am only mildly reactive to a food but when combining several low reactive foods together a much stronger reaction can occur. All of these factors made it really difficult for me to isolate the problematic foods. The MRT testing helped pinpoint foods that I eliminate completely while healing my gut. I also discovered odd symptoms were caused by these foods, like hives only on my shoulders. Something to consider. Good luck in your journey!

9. Posted By: Jeff - - October 20, 2021, 6:10 pm
Hi Mahalia,

Thank you very much for the information! I followed the link and found out that one of the NDs I went to is a functional medicine practitioner. However, she never ordered the Mediator Release Test (MRT) for some reason. She did, however, order a lot of other tests. Also, another ND that I went to more recently never ordered MRT but also ordered many other tests. It is frustrating because NDs charge hundreds of dollars per session but I still don't get any better results from them than MDs. They start having me take herbs and enzymes that make me feel terribly sick before they even have a diagnosis. I have taken at least two food allergy blood tests from MDs but everything was negative. Thank you again. MRT is something to think about. I'm just reluctant to go ask for it from a practitioner because I have already spent many thousands of dollars and still have not got any results. 10 years and counting.


10. Posted By: alextheblade - - June 30, 2022, 2:07 pm
This is alpha gal, google it..
It comes from getting bit by a tick

11. Posted By: Jeff - - July 2, 2022, 6:56 pm
Hi alextheblade,

Thank you for the comment. Yes, I have read about alpha gal allergy before. I wouldn't doubt that I have it. Possibly from a tick bite. Unfortunately, none of the doctors that I have seen will run an alpha gal allergy test, even when I ask them to. Maybe it's because I don't have an anaphylactic response to mammal meat, but instead it is a digestion/stomach response. So maybe the doctors think it's not necessary. I don't know. It has been over 10 years now and my symptoms are worse but the doctors still haven't found any cause or solution. I may just have to wait for God to fix me in the future. (Isaiah 33:24)


12. Posted By: Elisa - - July 26, 2022, 1:03 pm
Just curious, Jeff, I know you said You tried probiotics and never noticed a difference. Did you happen to pay attention to the billion that you took? A lot of people don't know that different amounts are actually for different things. You might need a 150 billion A-day. Also have you ever tried taking oil of oregano every day to see if it helps keep some of your immune system things at bay? Astragalus might be great for the lady with the horrible allergies. It would take around 6 months, but once it builds up they could go away completely. I hope both of you are able to find something to help. That's a terrible thing to have live with.

13. Posted By: S - - July 27, 2022, 9:03 am
I'm not a medical detective, just a person out here who has dealt with all manor of Dr's diagnosis and opinions. I don't know if this would help...but maybe? Microbiome therapy.

14. Posted By: Jeff - - July 27, 2022, 7:54 pm
Hi Elisa,

Thank you for the suggestions. Unfortunately, probiotics sometimes really upset my stomach. Especially the ones with high CFUs. The VSL#3 that I used for a while had 112.5 billion. But the ones I have tried lately have been 50 billion.  Unfortunately, my stomach doesn't react well to many supplements. Oh, I also took oregano oil every day for the past few weeks. But there was also no improvement. Thanks for the information!


15. Posted By: Jeff - - July 27, 2022, 8:00 pm
Hi S,

I think that is what some of the Naturopathic doctors were trying to do for me. Unfortunately, most of the supplements they had me try made me sicker. I also can't eat any fermented foods because they make my stomach sick. Thank you for the recommendation. It's a tough case.


16. Posted By: Elisa - - July 28, 2022, 6:28 pm
Hi Jeff,

I totally understand about the probiotics and supplements hurting your stomach. With all the inflammation you hand going on, I imagine everything reacts so horribly for you. I'm sorry the oil of oregano hasn't helped you either so far. Have you tried aloe Vera juice or does that also make things worse? I'm sure you have tried just about everything you can think of. I'm going to try and keep thinking about what I can suggest for you. You shouldn't have to live like this. Question, I can't remember from your history, but your were checked for Candida too, right? I think you were. If not, have you tried Paul d Arco in combination with the oil of oregano? Sending prayers your way!

17. Posted By: Elisa - - July 29, 2022, 12:32 am
Hey Jeff!
Have you read this book?
Stephen Buhner's book, Healing Lyme

Just curious

18. Posted By: JJ - - July 30, 2022, 5:20 am
I'm a retired physician. My first thought was alpha gal syndrome. Every symptom you have noticed has been found in various patients. Everyone's immune system is different. Reaction to meat can be mild or severe (including anaphylaxis) depending upon one's on unique immune system. The Mayo Clinic has a good description of this syndrome online. Good luck to you.

19. Posted By: Jeff - - July 31, 2022, 5:07 pm
Hi Elisa,

Thank you very much. I appreciate it. My body doesn't like aloe vera. It seems that since my ordeal started my body has had a problem with products high in salicylates. I haven't tried Pau d'arco. I have tried many herbs and supplements though. Unfortunately, none of them have improved my situation and 90% make me feel sicker. It gets expensive so I have to be picky about what I try. I have had many procedures and tests that should have shown bacterial overgrowth, but there was no sign of it. I haven't read Healing Lyme, but I did go to two different expensive Lyme literate NDs. After a lot of time with them and many expensive supplements there was no improvement, however.


20. Posted By: Jeff - - July 31, 2022, 5:32 pm
Hi JJ,

I agree with you. Some of my symptoms do sound like alpha gal syndrome. Especially the fact that I had to stop eating red meat and pork in order to not have chronic diarrhea. Unfortunately, when I would mention Alpha Gal allergy to the doctors it was difficult to get them to test for it. They would read about the Lone Star tick and then tell me that it was only on the east coast. I finally convinced my primary to run the test 3 years ago, but it wasn't listed on the computer. So I just got normal immunoglobulin tests. The IgE result was 55 kU/L, which is normal I guess. It looks like I can order the test myself now. I don't know if that was available 3 years ago. I'm just so tired. Maybe in the future I'll get another spark of energy to start going in for tests again. Thank you for the input.


21. Posted By: Suzette - - September 13, 2022, 11:06 am any chance have you been tested for water born illnesses? Just curious because you stated you had gotten a new water pressure tank? Sometimes bacteria grows in the tanks because the temperature is set to low or there is a small leak. Certain bacteria and parasites thrive in water tanks.

22. Posted By: Jeff - - September 13, 2022, 2:32 pm
Hi Suzette,

Thank you for the comment. Yes, I have thought about possible bacteria and fungus growing in the tank. I have had well water tests done from different companies and they never reported any bad contamination. I have also done many medical tests for bacteria, parasites and fungus. All the western medicine tests (CDC approved) have been negative over a number of years. When I take expensive out of pocket tests that naturopathic doctors recommend, I get results of markers for things, which means there are signs that I might be infected. Not very conclusive. The western medicine doctors don't believe those results and when I try the herbs and medicines that the naturopathic doctors recommend it just makes me feel worse. Thank you for the recommendation. It's been almost 12 years now and my health is progressively worse, but I'm still searching.


23. Posted By: Colleen Storey - - October 26, 2022, 7:52 pm
There is a tick with a disease that will cause the reaction you are having to meat etc.Ive read about it

24. Posted By: xev75 - - December 7, 2022, 8:00 pm

I think it is Lyme disease you just aren't having the order of symptoms in the medical books.

25. Posted By: Jeff - - December 12, 2022, 2:51 pm
Hi xrev75,

Thank you for the comment. It could be Lyme. Unfortunately, the standard medical test for Lyme is negative every time I take it. I took an expensive out of pocket Lyme test from iGeneX which had a result of being right on the border for Lyme. Regular Medical Doctors won't accept the results of that test unfortunately. I went to a supposed Lyme literate doctor for a while and spent thousands of dollars and also had to buy hundreds of dollars of herbs and supplements. Unfortunately, the herbs and supplements just made me feel more sick. So, I eventually had to stop going because I couldn't afford it. I'm still not sure if it's Lyme disease. I'm also not sure what to try next, because everything I've tried has not been effective.


26. Posted By: Lynzi Glasscock - - August 20, 2023, 5:32 pm

I'm a dietitian and work with the MRT. I pray you're feeling better but decided to post if not.

The timing of the tick bite and your flu like symptoms is highly suspect. Tickborne diseases are not within my scope, but your symptoms seem to line up with a Tickborne Relapsing Fever. I'm attaching a PDF of the CDC's tick borne diseases guide for your review.

As far as the MRT, it does sound like you have a lot of food-related symptoms. The MRT may be helpful, as it can identify other types of immune reactions that would not show up on a food allergy or alpha-gal test.

You can find a dietitian (RD) in your area that works with the MRT at the link below. RDs tend to be less expensive than NDs, btw. Look for a CLT (Certified LEAP Therapist); that's an added credential for RDs who work with the MRT.

Lynzi Glasscock, MPH, RDN, LDN, CLT

27. Posted By: Jeff - - September 14, 2023, 11:31 pm
Hi Lynzi,

Thank you for the information! I'm sorry it took me so long to reply. I got really busy this month. One thing I got busy with was going to the doctors again for a new symptom that started in 2020. I started getting hundreds of bug bites every night. I can feel them and they leave little to big red marks and bumps. It started after I had been going to Stanford Medical Center and getting a lot of tests. So I thought maybe I picked up scabies from another patient. I tried all the remedies though and nothing worked. And apparently people don't feel when scabies mites bite them they just feel the itching afterward. Anyway, it has been going on for 3 years and it is very annoying. Dermatologists told me it's not scabies. But they didn't give me a proper diagnosis. They just said folliculitis and then told me not to worry since it's not contagious. I don't know how I'm supposed to not worry about something that prevents me from sleeping.

28. Posted By: Jeff - - September 14, 2023, 11:32 pm
Thank you for the information on RDs. I looked them up at the link. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any in my area with CLT. There were two in the bay area over the hill. But I'm tired of driving that far to see specialists and they are more expensive over there. Thanks for the info. I'll keep searching.


29. Posted By: Cora - - November 25, 2024, 8:28 am
Have you pursued adenovirus? Your symptoms match. There is no cure but it can be managed. Good luck